Add-on tracks are described by a .KTO file, which describes all of the materials, textures and the geometry of the 3D objects that make up the track. The sky is one of these 3D objects. The root of the problem is what appears to be a graphics optimisation in netKar: some materials are instructed not to write depth information - information which NVIDIA 3D Vision requires to compute the distance to an object. This is controlled by a setting in the .KTO file for some materials: FORCENODEPTHWRITE=1. The sky is one such object that has no depth written, and there may be others as well.
The fix is therefore to turn off FORCENODEPTHWRITE for the sky, so that the sky is rendered at the correct depth.
What you will need to do is edit the KTO file for your add-on track. The KTO file is a large text file, and you can use a text editor like Notepad++ to edit it. Let's take Radiator Spring's Monza as an example. The KTO file is in C:\nkpro13\tracks\Monza RSR\Monza RSR.kto. If you open it in a text editor, and search for the word "Sky", you will find this section, with the offending FORCENODEPTHWRITE=1:
DIFFUSE=0.988200 0.988200 0.988200 1.000000
AMBIENT=0.988200 0.988200 0.988200 1.000000
SPECULAR=0.900000 0.900000 0.900000 1.000000
EMISSIVE=0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
TEXTURE=C:\Program Files\nkpro13_R1\tracks\Monza RSR\texture/
All you need to do is change FORCENODEPTHWRITE=1 to FORCENODEPTHWRITE=0 and save the file.
While you're editing the KTO file, you might as well replace every occurrence of FORCENODEPTHWRITE=1 with FORCENODEPTHWRITE=0, to ensure that all objects have depth information written.
Problem - what if you can't find a sky in the KTO file?
Not every KTO file describes a sky. If there's no sky object in the KTO file, netKar uses a default sky (the one in C:\nkpro13\ase\skybox\texture). The material for the default sky is described in the encrypted file C:\nkpro13\ase\skybox\skybox.nko however, and can't be fixed by a simple edit like the KTO files can.There is a workaround though, although fiddly. You can add a sky to the KTO file, and set it to write depth information.
First, copy the default sky image C:\nkpro13\ase\skybox\texture\Sky_001.png into your add-on track's texture folder - e.g. the C:\nkpro13\tracks\TrackName\texture folder.
Then edit the track's KTO file (if there is one - if there's no KTO file, there's nothing you can do). At the very top of the KTO file, add one to the highlighted number. This is the number of materials in the file, and we are adding one for the sky, so make this number one bigger.
SUNPOSITION=0.755263 -0.503509 0.419591
AMBIENTLIGHT=0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
SUNDIFFUSE=1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Now find the following lines in the file:
These lines come after all of the materials, and we will be adding a new material just before these two lines.
Copy the following text from here, and paste it into the KTO file before the >FRAMELIST< line, leaving a blank line before >FRAMELIST<. You'll notice that FORCENODEPTHWRITE is set to 0.
DIFFUSE=0.988200 0.988200 0.988200 1.000000
AMBIENT=0.988200 0.988200 0.988200 1.000000
SPECULAR=0.900000 0.900000 0.900000 1.000000
EMISSIVE=0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
You will have to change the highlighted TrackName above to the name of the track you are editing, and make sure the path - i.e. the "C:\nkpro13" matches the other paths to the textures already in the file (the path doesn't have to exist on your PC - i.e. it might be E:\nkpro13, but it doesn't matter if you don't have an E: drive. Just match the other paths in the KTO file).
That's added a material; now we have to add a sky geometry as well.
Search for the text "GEOMETRIES=" (without the quotes). You will find something like this:
POSITION=0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
HEADING=0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
UP=0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
Just like we had to add one to the number of materials in the file above, we also have to add one to the number of geometries, since we will be adding a new geometry for the sky. So add one to the highlighted number in your KTO file.
Now copy all of the following slab of text from here and paste it at the end of the KTO file (leaving a blank line after the previous last line ). You will need to change the highlighted number below to be one less than the number of materials in the file, which you edited in one of the first steps - e.g. the count after the >MATERIAL_LIST< line, or 3055 above.
>GEOMETRY<Save the KTO file and give it a go!
0 4.899200 33.962101 -9.578300 -0.118607 -0.965485 0.231885 -0.890298 0.000000 -0.455379 0.750000 0.038500 0.000000 0.000000
1 -0.000000 35.460602 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 -0.890303 0.000000 -0.455368 0.500000 0.000500 0.000000 0.000000
2 -7.595600 33.962101 -7.619300 0.183885 -0.965485 0.184460 -0.709837 0.000000 0.704366 0.950000 0.038500 0.000000 0.000000
3 9.425400 29.580700 -18.427500 -0.237117 -0.854000 0.463097 -0.890867 0.000000 -0.454265 0.750000 0.149700 0.000000 0.000000
4 -2.727200 31.304199 -17.394300 0.070133 -0.892275 0.446013 -0.988068 0.000000 0.154019 0.850000 0.106000 0.000000 0.000000
5 -14.612900 29.580700 -14.658500 0.367157 -0.854000 0.368619 -0.708753 0.000000 0.705456 0.950000 0.149700 0.000000 0.000000
6 13.234200 22.649900 -25.873899 -0.338532 -0.670894 0.659770 -0.890696 0.000000 -0.454599 0.750000 0.325600 0.000000 0.000000
7 1.800000 25.240000 -26.402000 -0.045147 -0.737002 0.674382 -0.997915 -0.000079 -0.064543 0.814400 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
8 -9.794100 25.240000 -24.584200 0.250184 -0.736727 0.628205 -0.930580 0.000079 0.366089 0.885600 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
9 -20.517900 22.649900 -20.581900 0.522865 -0.670895 0.525844 -0.708465 0.000000 0.705746 0.950000 0.325600 0.000000 0.000000
10 16.035500 13.697400 -31.350700 -0.408411 -0.442308 0.798476 -0.890696 0.000000 -0.454599 0.750000 0.552700 0.000000 0.000000
11 5.638600 16.000799 -33.493099 -0.154117 -0.503246 0.850289 -0.984485 -0.000023 -0.175468 0.798700 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
12 -5.187500 16.788601 -33.085999 0.131762 -0.525732 0.840384 -0.987972 0.000000 0.154635 0.850000 0.474300 0.000000 0.000000
13 -15.618700 16.000799 -30.160200 0.406794 -0.504935 0.761288 -0.883771 0.000023 0.467919 0.901300 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
14 -24.861000 13.697400 -24.938601 0.633188 -0.442311 0.635165 -0.708398 0.000000 0.705813 0.950000 0.552700 0.000000 0.000000
15 -7.595600 33.962101 -7.619300 0.183885 -0.965485 0.184460 -0.708209 0.000000 0.706002 -0.050000 0.038500 0.000000 0.000000
16 -9.593500 33.962101 4.869300 0.232254 -0.965485 -0.117884 0.450544 0.000000 0.892754 0.150000 0.038500 0.000000 0.000000
17 -14.612900 29.580700 -14.658500 0.367157 -0.854000 0.368619 -0.707327 0.000000 0.706887 -0.050000 0.149700 0.000000 0.000000
18 -17.385799 31.304199 -2.781400 0.445855 -0.892275 0.071125 -0.158850 0.000000 0.987303 0.050000 0.106000 0.000000 0.000000
19 -18.456699 29.580700 9.368000 0.464034 -0.854000 -0.235278 0.451913 0.000000 0.892062 0.150000 0.149700 0.000000 0.000000
20 -20.517900 22.649900 -20.581900 0.522865 -0.670895 0.525844 -0.707591 0.000000 0.706622 -0.050000 0.325600 0.000000 0.000000
21 -24.553600 25.240000 -9.870600 0.627423 -0.737001 0.251334 -0.369760 -0.000079 0.929127 0.014400 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
22 -26.407499 25.240000 1.717800 0.674770 -0.736726 -0.043813 0.060607 0.000079 0.998162 0.085600 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
23 -25.915001 22.649900 13.153500 0.661682 -0.670895 -0.334778 0.452276 0.000000 0.891878 0.150000 0.325600 0.000000 0.000000
24 -30.111401 16.000799 -15.712600 0.761047 -0.503248 0.409329 -0.470323 -0.000023 0.882494 0.998700 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
25 -30.111401 16.000799 -15.712600 0.761047 -0.503248 0.409329 -0.470898 -0.000023 0.882187 -0.001300 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
26 -33.069698 16.788601 -5.290500 0.839969 -0.525733 0.134380 -0.158233 0.000000 0.987402 0.050000 0.474300 0.000000 0.000000
27 -33.510502 16.000799 5.534300 0.849734 -0.504935 -0.151634 0.171918 0.000023 0.985111 0.101300 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
28 -31.400499 13.697400 15.937800 0.799744 -0.442309 -0.405922 0.452362 0.000000 0.891834 0.150000 0.552700 0.000000 0.000000
29 1.666500 33.962101 10.628700 -0.040344 -0.965485 -0.257315 0.988286 0.000000 -0.152611 0.350000 0.038500 0.000000 0.000000
30 -8.017800 31.304199 15.675300 0.205422 -0.892276 -0.402052 0.890701 0.000000 0.454589 0.250000 0.106000 0.000000 0.000000
31 3.206000 29.580700 20.448299 -0.080369 -0.854000 -0.514028 0.988050 0.000000 -0.154135 0.350000 0.149700 0.000000 0.000000
32 -16.975000 25.240000 20.301701 0.432918 -0.737002 -0.519048 0.770130 -0.000079 0.637887 0.214400 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
33 -6.526700 25.240000 25.645901 0.166847 -0.736727 -0.655283 0.968037 0.000079 0.250809 0.285600 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
34 4.501600 22.649900 28.711300 -0.113925 -0.670895 -0.732749 0.987987 0.000000 -0.154538 0.350000 0.325600 0.000000 0.000000
35 -24.248501 16.000799 23.782200 0.624472 -0.503247 -0.597308 0.693963 -0.000023 0.720011 0.198700 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
36 -15.250700 16.788601 29.816299 0.387367 -0.525733 -0.757332 0.890179 0.000000 0.455612 0.250000 0.474300 0.000000 0.000000
37 -5.091900 16.000799 33.580601 0.118369 -0.504934 -0.855003 0.990022 0.000023 0.140912 0.301300 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
38 5.454500 13.697400 34.788700 -0.138923 -0.442308 -0.886038 0.987972 0.000000 -0.154633 0.350000 0.552700 0.000000 0.000000
39 10.623400 33.962101 1.699600 -0.257188 -0.965485 -0.041145 0.160250 0.000000 -0.987076 0.550000 0.038500 0.000000 0.000000
40 12.430500 31.304199 12.469300 -0.318898 -0.892275 -0.319609 0.707579 0.000000 -0.706634 0.450000 0.106000 0.000000 0.000000
41 20.438200 29.580700 3.269700 -0.513705 -0.854000 -0.082408 0.158734 0.000000 -0.987321 0.550000 0.149700 0.000000 0.000000
42 14.062500 25.240000 22.417700 -0.359868 -0.737001 -0.572123 0.844647 -0.000079 -0.535324 0.414400 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
43 22.373800 25.240000 14.132200 -0.571653 -0.736726 -0.361175 0.537673 0.000079 -0.843154 0.485600 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
44 28.697100 22.649900 4.591000 -0.732091 -0.670894 -0.118086 0.158335 0.000000 -0.987385 0.550000 0.325600 0.000000 0.000000
45 15.125000 16.000799 30.410801 -0.375105 -0.503246 -0.778485 0.899216 -0.000023 -0.437506 0.398700 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
46 23.644199 16.788601 23.718000 -0.600562 -0.525734 -0.602436 0.708393 0.000000 -0.705818 0.450000 0.474300 0.000000 0.000000
47 30.363501 16.000799 15.219700 -0.776576 -0.504936 -0.376787 0.439951 0.000023 -0.898022 0.501300 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
48 34.771500 13.697400 5.562800 -0.885601 -0.442310 -0.141680 0.158239 0.000000 -0.987401 0.550000 0.552700 0.000000 0.000000
49 15.700200 31.304199 -7.968900 -0.402510 -0.892275 0.204525 -0.451808 0.000000 -0.892115 0.650000 0.106000 0.000000 0.000000
50 25.666100 25.240000 -6.446700 -0.655326 -0.737001 0.165458 -0.247591 -0.000079 -0.968865 0.614400 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
51 20.354401 25.240000 -16.911699 -0.520149 -0.736726 0.432065 -0.635735 0.000079 -0.771907 0.685600 0.259800 0.000000 0.000000
52 33.596298 16.000799 -4.987300 -0.856298 -0.503247 0.116177 -0.137983 -0.000022 -0.990435 0.598700 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
53 29.863600 16.788601 -15.157700 -0.758534 -0.525733 0.385007 -0.452369 0.000000 -0.891831 0.650000 0.474300 0.000000 0.000000
54 23.857599 16.000799 -24.174299 -0.598322 -0.504934 0.622135 -0.718117 0.000023 -0.695922 0.701300 0.494300 0.000000 0.000000
55 22.827700 5.242300 -30.743200 -0.574408 -0.239701 0.782687 -0.805577 0.000030 -0.592491 0.723600 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
56 11.567800 5.242300 -36.502499 -0.297713 -0.240257 0.923928 -0.951794 -0.000030 -0.306738 0.776400 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
57 27.882200 -3.909500 -27.795500 -0.703742 -0.105466 0.702584 -0.703779 0.000059 -0.710419 0.700000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
58 17.928301 -3.909500 -35.051102 -0.453132 -0.099140 0.885913 -0.890104 0.000000 -0.455758 0.750000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
59 6.219400 -3.909500 -38.875702 -0.157424 -0.105406 0.981890 -0.987966 -0.000059 -0.154672 0.800000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
60 -22.184401 5.242300 -31.210600 0.566876 -0.239699 0.788160 -0.812665 0.000030 0.582730 0.923600 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
61 -31.141399 5.242300 -22.281500 0.786709 -0.240257 0.568652 -0.585847 -0.000030 0.810422 0.976400 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
62 -17.819000 -3.909500 -35.106800 0.450728 -0.105465 0.886409 -0.893129 0.000059 0.449801 0.900000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
63 -27.795401 -3.909500 -27.882200 0.702526 -0.099134 0.704719 -0.708511 0.000000 0.705700 0.950000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
64 -35.051102 -3.909500 -17.928301 0.885187 -0.105404 0.453138 -0.452398 -0.000059 0.891816 1.000000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
65 -36.538399 5.242300 11.454000 0.924758 -0.239699 -0.295578 0.303084 0.000030 0.952964 0.123600 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
66 -30.814199 5.242300 22.731800 0.783928 -0.240258 -0.572479 0.589718 -0.000030 0.807609 0.176400 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
67 -38.894901 -3.909500 6.098300 0.982308 -0.105460 -0.154753 0.151795 0.000059 0.988412 0.100000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
68 -35.106800 -3.909500 17.819000 0.887320 -0.099138 -0.450371 0.452218 0.000000 0.891907 0.150000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
69 -27.882200 -3.909500 27.795500 0.704500 -0.105405 -0.701833 0.708366 -0.000059 0.705845 0.200000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
70 -0.397600 5.242300 38.289600 0.004653 -0.239697 -0.970837 0.999981 0.000030 0.006230 0.323600 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
71 12.097200 5.242300 36.330502 -0.302217 -0.240257 -0.922465 0.950314 -0.000030 -0.311294 0.376400 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
72 -6.219400 -3.909500 38.875702 0.156371 -0.105457 -0.982053 0.986943 0.000059 0.161070 0.300000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
73 6.098300 -3.909500 38.894901 -0.154133 -0.099136 -0.983064 0.987997 0.000000 -0.154473 0.350000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
74 17.819000 -3.909500 35.106800 -0.449783 -0.105407 -0.886896 0.890195 -0.000059 -0.455580 0.400000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
75 36.292702 5.242300 12.210300 -0.921882 -0.239699 -0.304431 0.314937 0.000030 -0.949112 0.523600 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
76 38.290600 5.242300 -0.278300 -0.970707 -0.240257 0.002365 -0.002392 -0.000030 -0.999997 0.576400 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
77 35.051102 -3.909500 17.928301 -0.885665 -0.105459 -0.452190 0.458171 0.000059 -0.888864 0.500000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
78 38.875702 -3.909500 6.219400 -0.982580 -0.099134 -0.157193 0.158395 0.000000 -0.987376 0.550000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
79 38.894901 -3.909500 -6.098300 -0.982480 -0.105403 0.153699 -0.158194 -0.000059 -0.987408 0.600000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
80 -11.623000 6.134800 -36.249401 0.295035 -0.260054 0.919416 -0.952400 0.000069 0.304852 0.874600 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
81 -6.098300 -3.909500 -38.894901 0.153503 -0.112881 0.981680 -0.987898 0.000000 0.155104 0.850000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
82 -0.028900 6.134800 -38.067200 -0.000306 -0.260290 0.965531 -1.000000 -0.000069 0.000663 0.825400 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
83 -38.067001 6.134800 -0.147500 0.965588 -0.260052 0.003519 -0.004384 0.000069 0.999990 0.074600 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
84 -38.875702 -3.909500 -6.219400 0.981068 -0.112876 0.157366 -0.157765 0.000000 0.987477 0.050000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
85 -36.213001 6.134800 -11.735900 0.918180 -0.260289 0.298655 -0.308385 -0.000069 0.951262 0.025400 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
86 -35.051102 -3.909500 -17.928301 0.885187 -0.105404 0.453138 -0.451824 -0.000059 0.892107 -0.000000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
87 -31.141399 5.242300 -22.281500 0.786709 -0.240257 0.568652 -0.585574 -0.000030 0.810619 -0.023600 0.767300 0.000000 0.000000
88 -11.903600 6.134800 36.158298 0.301728 -0.260051 -0.917242 0.949704 0.000069 0.313150 0.274600 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
89 -17.928301 -3.909500 35.051102 0.452827 -0.112874 -0.884425 0.890396 0.000000 0.455187 0.250000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
90 -22.351999 6.134800 30.814100 0.567772 -0.260290 -0.780951 0.809407 -0.000069 0.587248 0.225400 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
91 30.710100 6.134800 22.494600 -0.779107 -0.260054 -0.570407 0.591327 0.000069 -0.806432 0.474600 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
92 27.795401 -3.909500 27.882200 -0.701203 -0.112876 -0.703970 0.708059 0.000000 -0.706154 0.450000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
93 22.398800 6.134800 30.780001 -0.567278 -0.260290 -0.781310 0.808627 -0.000069 -0.588322 0.425400 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
94 30.883499 6.134800 -22.255899 -0.783244 -0.260056 0.564712 -0.584234 0.000069 -0.811586 0.674600 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
95 35.106800 -3.909500 -17.819000 -0.886198 -0.112878 0.449347 -0.452791 0.000000 -0.891617 0.650000 0.999500 0.000000 0.000000
96 36.195202 6.134800 -11.790900 -0.918368 -0.260290 0.298075 -0.309649 -0.000069 -0.950851 0.625400 0.744600 0.000000 0.000000
0 0 1 2 -62.474007 -0.000000 9.795004 0.024879 -0.932957 0.158684
1 3 0 4 -103.738655 0.016717 -24.444082 -0.087848 -0.842577 0.372243
2 4 0 2 -62.474007 -0.000000 9.795005 0.036630 -0.792144 0.233634
3 4 2 5 -91.280052 -0.016716 55.021072 0.197561 -0.842579 0.327499
4 6 3 7 -155.425690 -0.039566 -51.453747 -0.178171 -0.676711 0.538721
5 7 3 4 -120.890976 0.004967 -16.979578 -0.063399 -0.717509 0.451181
6 7 4 8 -162.838593 -0.000000 25.530922 0.079644 -0.695087 0.507978
7 8 4 5 -109.893425 -0.004967 53.164783 0.199995 -0.723119 0.413329
8 8 5 9 -132.218597 0.039568 96.554367 0.334502 -0.676708 0.458334
9 10 6 11 -198.696823 0.024969 -72.911484 -0.231440 -0.458170 0.630557
10 11 6 7 -172.633774 -0.039884 -41.967796 -0.156615 -0.559928 0.644766
11 11 7 12 -210.138062 -0.003805 -3.956767 -0.011589 -0.477541 0.615929
12 12 7 8 -162.838608 -0.000000 25.530930 0.101934 -0.598459 0.650143
13 12 8 13 -198.843887 0.003807 68.080429 0.199540 -0.477540 0.582828
14 13 8 9 -151.504120 0.039884 92.790123 0.357298 -0.577479 0.583631
15 13 9 14 -166.847061 -0.024963 130.224884 0.413317 -0.458172 0.529463
16 15 1 16 -9.989501 -0.000000 62.442997 0.158606 -0.932956 0.025373
17 17 15 18 -55.305973 0.016717 91.107956 0.326879 -0.842578 0.198583
18 18 15 16 -9.989500 -0.000000 62.442997 0.233517 -0.792147 0.037358
19 18 16 19 24.122095 -0.016716 103.814735 0.372515 -0.842579 -0.086692
20 20 17 21 -96.966148 -0.039566 131.917633 0.457289 -0.676708 0.335928
21 21 17 18 -53.507660 0.004967 109.727219 0.409502 -0.717507 0.199723
22 21 18 22 -26.037905 -0.000000 162.758423 0.507732 -0.695087 0.081226
23 22 18 19 16.604403 -0.004967 120.943916 0.454905 -0.723119 -0.062484
24 22 19 23 50.970055 0.039568 155.584366 0.539266 -0.676708 -0.176494
25 14 9 24 -130.744293 0.024969 166.440369 0.528174 -0.458173 0.414966
26 25 20 21 -93.261719 -0.039884 151.214401 0.564810 -0.559927 0.348199
27 25 21 26 -68.699829 -0.003805 198.631958 0.582206 -0.477542 0.201356
28 26 21 22 -26.037903 -0.000000 162.758423 0.649822 -0.598459 0.103958
29 26 22 27 3.302508 0.003807 210.149994 0.615964 -0.477541 -0.009671
30 27 22 23 41.430035 0.039884 172.762146 0.665475 -0.577477 -0.159454
31 27 23 28 72.292152 -0.024963 198.922012 0.631274 -0.458172 -0.229475
32 16 1 29 56.300003 -0.000000 28.797005 0.073145 -0.932959 -0.143003
33 19 16 30 69.557884 0.016717 80.752243 0.289871 -0.842576 -0.249513
34 30 16 29 56.300003 -0.000000 28.797005 0.107692 -0.792148 -0.210544
35 30 29 31 106.187996 -0.016716 9.140384 0.032669 -0.842579 -0.381071
36 23 19 32 95.497330 -0.039566 132.985519 0.460797 -0.676711 -0.331101
37 32 19 30 87.821785 0.004967 84.795479 0.316490 -0.717512 -0.327743
38 32 30 33 146.745758 -0.000000 75.058975 0.234147 -0.695087 -0.457774
39 33 30 31 120.155220 -0.004967 21.583195 0.081151 -0.723119 -0.451943
40 33 31 34 163.721252 0.039568 -0.397408 -0.001214 -0.676710 -0.567418
41 28 23 35 117.892685 0.024969 175.778244 0.557870 -0.458171 -0.374092
42 35 23 32 114.994957 -0.039884 135.425797 0.505691 -0.559924 -0.429566
43 35 32 36 167.680023 -0.003805 126.717766 0.371412 -0.477540 -0.491488
44 36 32 33 146.745773 -0.000000 75.058990 0.299678 -0.598457 -0.585893
45 36 33 37 200.885406 0.003807 61.799591 0.181147 -0.477541 -0.588807
46 37 33 34 177.110870 0.039884 13.983680 0.053991 -0.577477 -0.682179
47 37 34 38 211.526810 -0.024963 -7.284118 -0.023171 -0.458171 -0.671290
48 29 1 39 44.784492 -0.000000 -44.645493 -0.113400 -0.932954 -0.113753
49 31 29 40 98.295013 0.016717 -41.200378 -0.147729 -0.842581 -0.352790
50 40 29 39 44.784492 -0.000000 -44.645496 -0.166962 -0.792148 -0.167482
51 40 39 41 41.506233 -0.016716 -98.166252 -0.352326 -0.842581 -0.148826
52 34 31 42 155.986801 -0.039566 -49.729919 -0.172506 -0.676710 -0.540559
53 42 31 40 107.784737 0.004967 -57.321247 -0.213902 -0.717505 -0.402276
54 42 40 43 116.731781 -0.000000 -116.369408 -0.363018 -0.695086 -0.364149
55 43 40 41 57.656658 -0.004967 -107.605370 -0.404750 -0.723117 -0.216838
56 43 41 44 50.214909 0.039568 -155.830200 -0.540020 -0.676708 -0.174189
57 38 34 45 203.604553 0.024969 -57.804169 -0.183393 -0.458170 -0.646166
58 45 34 42 164.331924 -0.039884 -67.518700 -0.252279 -0.559928 -0.613684
59 45 42 46 172.330872 -0.003805 -120.315628 -0.352661 -0.477541 -0.505110
60 46 42 43 116.731773 -0.000000 -116.369408 -0.464615 -0.598459 -0.466062
61 46 43 47 120.851852 0.003807 -171.955246 -0.504007 -0.477541 -0.354232
62 47 43 44 68.029617 0.039884 -164.120468 -0.632108 -0.577479 -0.262155
63 47 44 48 58.438038 -0.024963 -203.424988 -0.645595 -0.458171 -0.185404
64 39 1 0 -28.621000 -0.000000 -56.389507 -0.143231 -0.932958 0.072698
65 41 39 49 -8.809248 0.016717 -106.215775 -0.381169 -0.842578 0.031481
66 49 39 0 -28.621004 -0.000000 -56.389511 -0.210878 -0.792143 0.107033
67 49 0 3 -80.535301 -0.016716 -69.809891 -0.250418 -0.842580 0.289093
68 44 41 50 0.907732 -0.039566 -163.717865 -0.567410 -0.676708 -0.002982
69 50 41 49 -21.208668 0.004967 -120.221588 -0.448689 -0.717513 0.079125
70 50 49 51 -74.602562 -0.000000 -146.980423 -0.458505 -0.695091 0.232723
71 51 49 3 -84.521774 -0.004967 -88.086456 -0.331299 -0.723119 0.317932
72 51 3 6 -132.686035 0.039568 -95.911125 -0.332537 -0.676708 0.459761
73 48 44 52 7.943803 0.024969 -211.503113 -0.671214 -0.458170 -0.025264
74 52 44 50 -13.431369 -0.039884 -177.152466 -0.661607 -0.559928 0.050288
75 52 50 53 -61.174728 -0.003805 -201.075592 -0.589365 -0.477540 0.179316
76 53 50 51 -74.602562 -0.000000 -146.980423 -0.586824 -0.598456 0.297853
77 53 51 54 -126.193977 0.003807 -168.074768 -0.492644 -0.477541 0.369877
78 54 51 6 -135.065247 0.039884 -115.415924 -0.444657 -0.577478 0.520159
79 54 6 10 -175.410110 -0.024963 -118.439743 -0.375831 -0.458171 0.556704
80 55 10 56 -213.255447 -0.000000 -109.077492 -0.412705 -0.273563 0.806872
81 57 55 58 -199.077942 -0.000000 -145.112000 -0.543903 -0.060060 0.746175
82 58 55 56 -213.255447 -0.000000 -109.077499 -0.370805 -0.142738 0.724954
83 58 56 59 -234.177948 -0.000000 -76.491989 -0.286703 -0.060058 0.877732
84 60 14 61 -169.640137 -0.000000 169.111740 0.639846 -0.273567 0.641845
85 62 60 63 -199.527954 -0.000000 144.491943 0.541579 -0.060055 0.747863
86 63 60 61 -169.640167 -0.000000 169.111740 0.574887 -0.142732 0.576683
87 63 61 64 -145.113983 -0.000000 199.077927 0.746174 -0.060051 0.543909
88 65 28 66 108.412857 -0.000000 213.594666 0.808154 -0.273563 -0.410189
89 67 65 68 75.762016 -0.000000 234.413971 0.878619 -0.060056 -0.283968
90 68 65 66 108.412849 -0.000000 213.594696 0.726104 -0.142736 -0.368544
91 68 66 69 144.492020 -0.000000 199.529999 0.747867 -0.060058 -0.541577
92 70 38 71 236.643951 -0.000000 -37.104145 -0.140386 -0.273563 -0.895358
93 72 70 73 246.354080 -0.000000 0.383988 0.001439 -0.060050 -0.923370
94 73 70 71 236.643951 -0.000000 -37.104141 -0.126132 -0.142734 -0.804450
95 73 71 74 234.413940 -0.000000 -75.762001 -0.283968 -0.060058 -0.878619
96 75 48 76 37.838982 -0.000000 -236.526520 -0.894914 -0.273568 -0.143166
97 77 75 78 76.491982 -0.000000 -234.177948 -0.877733 -0.060051 -0.286703
98 78 75 76 37.838982 -0.000000 -236.526535 -0.804056 -0.142733 -0.128631
99 78 76 79 0.383987 -0.000000 -246.353912 -0.923370 -0.060056 -0.001439
100 60 62 80 -214.164291 0.042600 105.632317 0.385045 -0.148710 0.780720
101 80 62 81 -234.414215 -0.000000 75.762100 0.260523 -0.069011 0.806079
102 80 81 82 -235.652435 -0.000000 36.947124 0.131916 -0.149046 0.841375
103 82 81 59 -246.353943 -0.000000 -0.383988 -0.001331 -0.069550 0.853757
104 82 59 56 -236.216034 -0.042600 -35.018669 -0.127630 -0.148708 0.861100
105 14 60 13 -178.416702 -0.044350 123.977989 0.426523 -0.320216 0.613695
106 13 60 80 -212.436035 0.043939 108.729622 0.371544 -0.297633 0.726044
107 13 80 12 -201.193771 0.009968 63.861725 0.213752 -0.329089 0.673468
108 12 80 82 -235.652466 -0.000000 36.947132 0.128498 -0.320973 0.819570
109 12 82 11 -211.084015 -0.009968 0.778744 0.002622 -0.329089 0.706571
110 11 82 56 -235.518433 -0.043939 -38.496254 -0.135633 -0.306961 0.830148
111 11 56 10 -207.799133 0.044348 -63.423481 -0.218232 -0.320214 0.714787
112 65 67 83 34.283253 0.042600 236.323349 0.861493 -0.148705 -0.124949
113 83 67 84 -0.383987 -0.000000 246.354004 0.847134 -0.069004 0.001320
114 83 84 85 -37.682919 -0.000000 235.536560 0.840962 -0.149042 0.134543
115 85 84 86 -76.491997 -0.000000 234.178024 0.811564 -0.069550 0.265090
116 85 86 87 -106.297386 -0.042600 213.833176 0.779516 -0.148707 0.387471
117 28 65 27 62.776077 -0.044350 207.995544 0.715462 -0.320215 -0.216005
118 27 65 83 37.763176 0.043939 235.636871 0.805323 -0.297635 -0.129006
119 27 83 26 -1.435810 0.009968 211.081284 0.706558 -0.329092 0.004822
120 26 83 85 -37.682922 -0.000000 235.536560 0.819164 -0.320973 0.131056
121 26 85 25 -64.488472 -0.009968 200.994995 0.672802 -0.329090 0.215850
122 25 85 87 -109.389420 -0.043939 212.095352 0.747606 -0.306964 0.385519
123 24 61 14 -124.534111 0.044348 178.029861 0.612362 -0.320219 0.428434
124 70 72 88 235.350098 0.042600 40.423302 0.147385 -0.148701 -0.857939
125 88 72 89 234.177963 -0.000000 76.491982 0.263033 -0.069005 -0.805268
126 88 89 90 212.365860 -0.000000 108.621918 0.387824 -0.149041 -0.758231
127 90 89 69 199.077988 -0.000000 145.112030 0.502902 -0.069545 -0.689927
128 90 69 66 170.518814 -0.042600 167.176147 0.609400 -0.148709 -0.621623
129 38 70 37 217.215652 -0.044350 4.569888 0.015654 -0.320217 -0.747195
130 37 70 88 235.772446 0.043939 36.901470 0.126169 -0.297635 -0.805772
131 37 88 36 200.306870 0.009968 66.593758 0.222926 -0.329092 -0.670488
132 36 88 90 212.365845 -0.000000 108.621925 0.377770 -0.320975 -0.738574
133 36 90 35 171.228699 -0.009968 123.442856 0.413191 -0.329093 -0.573167
134 35 90 66 167.910400 -0.043939 169.579636 0.597679 -0.306964 -0.591875
135 35 66 28 130.833649 0.044348 173.452499 0.596695 -0.320216 -0.450000
136 75 77 91 111.173233 0.042600 -211.340836 -0.770405 -0.148706 -0.405292
137 91 77 92 145.113983 -0.000000 -199.077927 -0.684569 -0.069006 -0.499003
138 91 92 93 168.928864 -0.000000 -168.402466 -0.601269 -0.149040 -0.603148
139 93 92 74 199.528061 -0.000000 -144.492050 -0.500756 -0.069550 -0.691490
140 93 74 71 211.685257 -0.042600 -110.513466 -0.402887 -0.148709 -0.771661
141 48 75 47 71.469498 -0.044350 -205.172012 -0.705786 -0.320220 -0.245784
142 47 75 91 107.954330 0.043939 -212.830811 -0.727343 -0.297636 -0.368992
143 47 91 46 125.232590 0.009968 -169.923508 -0.568780 -0.329093 -0.419207
144 46 91 93 168.928864 -0.000000 -168.402451 -0.585686 -0.320977 -0.587517
145 46 93 45 170.312973 -0.009968 -124.702827 -0.417434 -0.329091 -0.570085
146 45 93 71 213.165314 -0.043939 -107.290199 -0.378219 -0.306961 -0.751323
147 45 71 38 205.392136 0.044348 -70.830612 -0.243588 -0.320213 -0.706548
148 55 57 94 -166.642212 0.042600 -171.038055 -0.623518 -0.148711 0.607456
149 94 57 95 -144.491959 -0.000000 -199.529938 -0.686124 -0.069011 0.496865
150 94 95 96 -107.961441 -0.000000 -212.703232 -0.759434 -0.149045 0.385465
151 96 95 79 -75.762100 -0.000000 -234.414246 -0.812383 -0.069546 0.262560
152 96 79 76 -39.688812 -0.042600 -235.475174 -0.858394 -0.148706 0.144707
153 10 55 54 -173.044754 -0.044350 -131.373566 -0.451857 -0.320216 0.595292
154 54 55 94 -169.053787 0.043939 -168.437256 -0.575693 -0.297634 0.577723
155 54 94 53 -122.907913 0.009968 -171.613113 -0.574455 -0.329093 0.411401
156 53 94 96 -107.961456 -0.000000 -212.703232 -0.739744 -0.320978 0.375471
157 53 96 52 -65.970596 -0.009968 -200.511826 -0.671174 -0.329092 0.220840
158 52 96 76 -36.165821 -0.043939 -235.886383 -0.831431 -0.306961 0.127531
159 52 76 48 -3.892586 0.044348 -217.228470 -0.747241 -0.320215 0.013325
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